Sunday, August 5, 2018

What One Should Know About First Baptist Church San Antonio TX

By Anna Long

Christianity has a rich history. Many great emperors and rulers tried to stop Christianity but they failed. They did not want Christianity to spread beyond the walls of Jerusalem but they failed miserably. Christianity has outlived the greatest empires of the world such as the Roman Empire. It has outlived the most powerful men ever to reign on earth and it will exist till eternity. It will never end. Men and empires will come and go but Christianity will remain. Already, it has reached all the four corners of the world. In America, one will find the First Baptist Church San Antonio TX.

The Jerusalem apostles managed to take Christianity to Europe. Eventually, the Roman Empire was converted and Christianity became the state religion of this empire. From there, Christianity spread to the whole of Europe. First, there was Catholicism and then Protestantism started later. With the dawn of Protestantism, many churches started to form including the Anglican Church of England and the Baptist Church.

The fact that Christianity spread despite of resistance from great empires and rulers, is a lesson that no one should ever try to fight the divine. Once Christianity reached the Roman Empire, Catholicism started. After some time, the Great Reformation happened and there was Protestantism that led to the formation of Baptist Church in Britain. Eventually, this church reached America.

A Baptist is guided by a number of beliefs. These are things that a true believer will be willing to stand for and die for. It is always good to have a firm belief in something. A firm belief in Christianity will take a person many places. On the other hand, a shaky belief will be of little or no help to a person.

The basic Baptist belief is be the belief that everyone has to be baptized so that to become a Christian and to be able to enjoy eternal life. Without baptism, it is impossible to enter heaven. Every man and woman on planet earth has to be born again. That will involve total immersion into blessed waters. Baptism is crucial.

Baptism is one of the most important events that will happen in the life of a believer. A recent convert should look forward to the day that he will be baptized. That will be the day when the doors of heaven will be opened to the believer. By repenting and leading a holy life, a believer will keep those doors opened.

A real Christian fully believes in the Bible. There is no book that has ever been written that compares to the Bible. It is the oldest written text in the world. Scripture was written thousands of years ago yet it is still very relevant in the modern day world. It will remain relevant till eternity. Scripture will never end.

Christianity has billions of followers all over the world. It is the most popular world religion. Every year, many people usually convert to Christianity. When only one person converts to Christianity, there are usually a lot of celebrations in heaven. A recent convert will need to find a Bible-believing church that will help him to grow in faith. First Baptist follows the Bible strictly.

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