To say that credit card rewards are numerous would be an understatement. Depending on who you ask, though, frequent flyer miles might be among the most valuable. The fact that these can help reduce air travel expenses is nothing short of remarkable, but it might prove difficult to build your miles over the course of time. Do you feel like you can earn even more? Here are a few ways that you can go about it, as provided by the likes of Robert Jain.
In order to increase the number of frequent flyer miles you have, you shouldn't have to overspend. Credit card usage should be monitored on a routine basis, as overspending can result in your credit score taking a hit. Needless to say, this can make earning more miles difficult. While it's important to use your credit card to earn more miles, financial authorities such as Bob Jain will tell you that this must be done with care.
For those that are careful about spending, as discussed earlier, there are multiple ways to rack up miles in no time. Depending on the credit card you have, you may be able to accumulate more miles based on the types of restaurants or diners you eat at. The more that you dine at these locations, the more miles you'll end up earning. For those that enjoy food, it might be in your best interest to use your credit card, provided you have the right rewards program.
Another way to earn more miles is by staying at participating hotels. There are many credit cards that offer hotel loyalty programs, which allow you to earn miles based on how many nights you spend at certain hotels. You know that these locations will offer the utmost comfort, but it doesn't hurt that they will be able to save you money on future flights as well. This is another common method that many credit card holders use.
Perhaps the easiest way to earn frequent flyer miles is by shopping online. After all, the vast majority of people do, at the very least, some of their shopping over the Internet compared to going into stores. However, there are many participating retailers that will help you earn miles based on how much you spend on electronics, clothes, food, or what have you. The more that you shop online with your credit card, the more miles you can use toward flights in the future.
In order to increase the number of frequent flyer miles you have, you shouldn't have to overspend. Credit card usage should be monitored on a routine basis, as overspending can result in your credit score taking a hit. Needless to say, this can make earning more miles difficult. While it's important to use your credit card to earn more miles, financial authorities such as Bob Jain will tell you that this must be done with care.
For those that are careful about spending, as discussed earlier, there are multiple ways to rack up miles in no time. Depending on the credit card you have, you may be able to accumulate more miles based on the types of restaurants or diners you eat at. The more that you dine at these locations, the more miles you'll end up earning. For those that enjoy food, it might be in your best interest to use your credit card, provided you have the right rewards program.
Another way to earn more miles is by staying at participating hotels. There are many credit cards that offer hotel loyalty programs, which allow you to earn miles based on how many nights you spend at certain hotels. You know that these locations will offer the utmost comfort, but it doesn't hurt that they will be able to save you money on future flights as well. This is another common method that many credit card holders use.
Perhaps the easiest way to earn frequent flyer miles is by shopping online. After all, the vast majority of people do, at the very least, some of their shopping over the Internet compared to going into stores. However, there are many participating retailers that will help you earn miles based on how much you spend on electronics, clothes, food, or what have you. The more that you shop online with your credit card, the more miles you can use toward flights in the future.
About the Author:
Kindly contact Bobby Jain for more details regarding finance.. Also published at Robert Jain: How To Build Your Frequent Flyer Mile Count.
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