Monday, October 10, 2016

Useful Information On Baltimore Granite

By Jerry Anderson

There is a lot of variation in the definition of the term granite. From an archeological perspective, this material is defined as coarse-grained, feldspar- and quartz-bearing igneous rock composed entirely of crystals. From a stone trade dimension, it is defined as any rock that contains feldspar and interlocking crystals large enough to be seen by the naked eye. Baltimore granite falls in both definitions.

Granitic rocks are categorized as rocks that are produced by natural processes within the subsurface. These stones are among the strongest and most beautiful stones. According to the definition followed by stone trade, there are many rocks that are traded under the name granite. They include granites, syenite, granodiorite, monzonite, gabbro, gneiss, and arnorthosite. The largest producer and exporter of these rocks is China. China exports a wide variety of the stones to countries worldwide.

The process through which these rocks are formed involved gradual crystallization process several meters under the surface. Equigranular crystals that result are because of the gradual crystallization process. Feldspar and quartz are the main minerals that make up granites. Other minerals are also present, but in small amounts. Such minerals include amphiboles and mica. The rock is colored depending on its mineral compositions. Common colors include white, gray, red, and pink. Dark minerals can often be seen in it.

Granitic rocks have many applications as interior and exterior building materials. The fact that it is produced through natural processes makes it very useful and valuable. The material is used on a huge number of projects to offer quality and elegance. According to statistics from the year 2014, one of the main uses for the rock is in making bathroom and kitchen countertops.

The popularity of the material in making countertops is because, besides offering value, it offers aesthetic beauty and durability too. Granitic countertops can withstand great amounts of force and pressure without breaking or chipping away. Granitic rocks also have distinct appearance. As such, they add originality and uniqueness into the home they are used.

Granites are also used widely in construction and building materials. For several thousands of years they have been used to do exterior construction. Among the structures that they are used to make are monuments, pavements, bridges, wall tiles, tile floors, buildings, and stair threads. The rocks may need to be polished or they may be used while rough in their natural state. Polishing may be done on one side or both sides of the stone.

The material also finds substantial use in construction of paved surfaces. When the paving is done professionally, the results achieved can be uneatable. In the past, granitic rocks dominated the paving industry, but their use is reducing as alternatives are being found. Asphalt and concrete are coming up fast as replacements because they are cheaper and easily available.

Granites can be very expensive to acquire. As such, there use is often limited. Mostly people from the upper and middle class can afford to use them on a substantial level.

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