Friday, October 17, 2014

The Different Areas Of Etiquette Lessons For Kids

By Dominique Martin

In one story, a little prince failed to use his napkin during a party in the castle, in spite of his mother who is very particular about it. Before going to bed, his mother asked him to write the word god. He was then told to write it backward and see what he will find. It turned out to be the word dog, and thus his mother explained to him the two sides of people, god and dog, where dogs do not know the difference between what is good and bad. In other words, good manners can make the god side of you shine, while the opposite will just make you a dog.

The way you carry yourself in the society is called etiquette. It is what separates humans from animals, and the importance of etiquette lessons for kids in DC in Washington, DC cannot be stressed more than enough. Training them young will help them with the soft skills they will very much need when they become adults, from getting their first date to their wedding to their job applications and to basically everything they will face later on. There are many types, and here are some of them.

The most basic course is social etiquette. This involves the overall manner in which you carry yourself when you are socializing with others. A first impression can be made in thirty seconds, but its memory is lasting, so having the right social graces may very well aid you not just at making impressions but also at maintaining relationships.

Work ethics are very important in terms of your job success. Performance is one thing, but soft skills make up the eighty percent of the very thing your employment and promotion depends on. Recognizing rank and status, interacting well with your colleagues, working attire and such are included.

Business ethics is related to corporate decorum. It refers to how you conduct business, and the success of your business deals often depend largely on your soft skills. You would not want to trust another businessman who has no manners, so to speak.

Meeting decorum is observed during lectures, classes, presentations, and such. Knowing when to raise your hand and ask questions are part of this classification. You are expected to practice proper decorum when in public gatherings, whether you are the speaker or the audience.

Wedding etiquette is also a necessary discipline. All throughout the world, the day people marry is always a special day, and its celebration should not be hindered by bad manners. Punctuality, drinking moderately, and knowing the customs are part of it.

Because everyone heeds the call of nature and is very particular when it comes to doing your business, it is only sensible that one should follow bathroom etiquette. This applies when you are using a shared bathroom or when you are using a public toilet. You should be sensitive enough to leave the place tidy and clean as respect to the next person who will use it.

Of course, the most common discipline is table etiquette. Eating is considered a sacred act in many cultures, so the way you deal with your food and the people around you will show how well you were raised. Mind your mother when she tells you not to talk when your mouth is full, and eat like a diplomat when in restaurants.

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