Monday, October 13, 2014

Leaning To Respect Others Through Karate Hartford CT

By Estelle Larsen

Karate is an interesting sport. It is one that has a history that goes back for centuries. It is known to provide the ability to take care of oneself while teaching the student the ability to stay in control and not to over fight. It is also a fun sport for the little ones. Karate Hartford CT provides the education needed to take care of themselves while respecting their opponent.

This sport provides incredible growth. Students learn and grow by earning colored belts. Every time they succeed and accomplish a certain level, they earn a new belt. This is where their self confidence can take off as they feel good about every new skill they learn and are able to implement it into their sport, as well as their life.

All students not only receive important lessons and skills, but also physical workouts that quickly get them into excellent shape. Kicking and spinning and ducking and jabbing keeps the body moving and builds muscle. This is what keeps them strong when competing against other student.

With all the physical exercise that is required in this sport, the children receive tremendous workouts. They are often kicking, spinning, jabbing and ducking while practicing. When in competition with an opponent, they are very busy trying to defend themselves and concentrating on using the skills they have been learning in class.

As far as extra curricular activities are concerned, this one takes the cake. The interaction they receive with their classmates and the competition that it presents to the students keeps them involved and interested in the sport itself while constantly reminding them of how to respect each other.

For all children, at one time or another they have to learn to understand instructions and take directions, even if it goes against how they are feeling. During practice, students are taught to listen to their instructor and understand what the instructions are about. There is no time for ego issues when participating in this sport.

Among the many skills that are taught, the most important one would probably be the act of discipline. This sport teaches deep breathing, complete thought process, respect of yourself as well as others, patience among many other things. It is not about hurting or beating someone up but more about becoming strong within yourself and respecting all those around you.

There is no doubt that this is a sport that teaches so much more than self defense. The respect that they learn for everyone is so important. They are taught how to look at and evaluate something that could potentially be a dangerous situation. Learning directions as well as taking instructions without question shows faith and trust in their instructor. The bottom line is that violence is not the solution and thinking for oneself and showing empathy for others is what it is all about.

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