Monday, October 13, 2014

Facts About Dairy Farms & Agricultural Waste Management

By Lianne Derocco

As an urban resident, you may not care much about how the dairy industry operates and your only related concern is actually consuming all the products that it churns out. It may not have come to your knowledge that there are many dairy farms in the country and that the US has the largest concentration of such facilities.

Do some research and you would surely find out that the country has tens of thousands of dairy farms owned and operated by individual families. While these are spread across all the states, California, New York, Idaho, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin have the highest concentration. However, California takes pride in the fact that it has the most number of dairy farms, supplying 20 percent of the country's milk needs.

You probably knew that dairy cows are large animals, but you might be surprised to find out that they weigh about 1,000 pounds or more. While the average dairy cow produces about six or seven gallons of milk each day, a cow also produces a great deal of waste. A cow might produce as much as 60 or more pounds of manure every day. When you have many cows, this amount quickly adds up and deal with agricultural waste is a big portion of the job of a dairy farmer.

At a dairy farm, agricultural waste is stored in waste pits or waste lagoons. Both pits and lagoons need to be monitored carefully to ensure that they don't leak into groundwater. In addition, there are many common problems that occur if proper manure treatment steps are not taken. These problems include the build-up of sludge on the bottom of a pit or lagoon. Another problem would be the formation of a hard top-level crust. Foaming is another common problem that might plague the owner of a dairy problem.

If you do not do anything that would resolve the problems mentioned above, you would only be contributing more to the current issue of pollution which means more people would be affected. You would need solutions like Bioverse AG, which may provide with a range of products meant to resolve agricultural waste. With these products, you could deal with manure pit waste water while treating the lagoon at the same time.

Agra Sphere should one of the products that you would find very helpful. It is organic and non-chemical based which is why it is also very safe to use. It contains microbes that liquefy the solids in the waste, which eradicates the possibility of foaming and crusting while reducing bad odor. However, if crusting has already developed, you should use Activator Plus, which is also made by.

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