Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Chimney Sweep Arlington VA Residents Love To Use

By Essie Osborn

Chimney fires are often in the news. This is a puzzle to many as they know a fireplace provides comfort to all who dwell in homes during a cold evening. The debris that is often deposited on the insides of chimneys and in the fire box is dangerous. This is why firms who specialize in the chimney sweep Arlington VA home owners need are easy to reach when needed.

The chimney, regardless of how new it is must be cleaned out on a frequent basis as this is the only way to remove things that can start a fire. There are gases and particles that will rise into the flue, out of the fire box, and can stick within that conduit. This will stay there until it gets hot enough and can burn off.

If the material that can burn accumulates enough to cause a fire it can also cause problems in the surrounding wood structure. This can heat up and smolder for a while. Many fires are caused by dirty chimneys and this was known several centuries ago when this trade began.

When the first chimneys were cleaned, children were the ones to go down into these dark places. They were small enough to do it and it was very simple to lower their bodies down and pay them very little for their trouble. Kids are not used anymore and other techniques had to be engineered to accomplish this task even better than with them.

Equipment, testing and inspection tools and a different mind set has evolved since those early years. Many of the firms that do this work will have spotlights, cameras that project the images on a computer or laptop and power brushes to do the work now. They also will have the presence of mind to capture a sample of the debris present to test it for its chemical make up.

The tools that are used, even by a do it yourself individual, are as sophisticated as any other service. There are the usual brushes of various sizes and lengths. There are the cloths to spread over the flooring and furniture to ensure dust is not scattered around. There are now, as were not in the old days, vacuums to all but eliminate dust from getting out of the chimney or fire box.

Finding a firm to come and clean your chimney should be as easy as checking with friends, family and neighbors. This search can also get started by looking at many of the home services websites or review sites. Make sure they have professional certifications that show they have been trained and are held accountable. One of these is the Chimney Safety Institute of America or the CSIA.

The dangers of a chimney that is left to itself for many years has been discussed, at great length, in the many newspaper accounts of fires starting this way. Do not be one of the statistics which carry a big cost for all. Make a call to one of these firms so that your family, home and furnishings are protected from the dangerous chemicals, dust and inconvenience of a fire and, possible, loss of life.

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