Thursday, January 23, 2014

Why A Rat Removal Company May Be Your Best Option

By Dave L. Weglin

Rat infestation can be a major cause for concern for farmers, business owners and residential home owners. These destructive and disease-carrying rodents can, at best, be a persistent nuisance. At worst, they can wreak havoc wherever they have taken up residence. If significant infestation has developed, hiring a rat removal company may be the quickest, most cost-effective solution.

Apart from the sheer annoyance of having these creatures around, the financial cost of rodent infestation can be considerable. Chewed wires can lead to expensive electrical repairs, and spoiled food, seeds, and other stock can also quickly become a costly burden. This can be a serious issue for farmers and business owners who can end up losing valuable time and revenue.

Rodents are shy creatures, and despite living so close to human populations, will avoid human contact if at all possible. They favour warm, dry, out-of-the-way places to nest, where they can live and breed in relative safety. In domestic homes, they will often nest in lofts, attic spaces, sheds, and under floor boards.

Since they are relatively shy creatures, if they are seen (living or dead) this can be an indication that large numbers of them are present. Tracks in grass and other vegetation is another tell-tale sign, as they like to forage through familiar territory. Other evidence of rodent activity can include things like tooth marks and debris from chewing, urine, droppings, paw-prints and footprints.

The risk of disease from rodents, while relatively small, is something that should be kept in mind. Their urine and scat are potential sources of disease, and contact with them (and the rodents themselves) should be avoided. Should contact occur, any affected areas should be washed immediately with a suitable anti-bacterial product.

Even for those unafraid of rats, direct handling of these animals should be avoided. If they are cornered or feel threatened they may well attempt to defend themselves by biting. If handling is unavoidable, care should be taken and suitable gloves worn. If one should suffer a bite, it should be attended to by a medical professional as soon as possible.

Rodents can be difficult to eradicate, they are cautious by nature and will tend to avoid unfamiliar objects in their territory. This is one reason why traps and bait often don't work. This coupled with the dangers previously mentioned means that it is often the best policy to engage the services of a rat removal company. An experienced pest control operative can deal with infestation issues speedily and humanely, and save home and business owners a great deal of time and hassle.

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