Saturday, January 4, 2014

Tips From A Rat Removal Company On Keeping Rats Out Of The Home

By Andrew B. Spates

Anyone who has ever had to deal with rats in the home is not likely to want to deal with them again. In many cases, hiring a pest removal service is the only viable option. Once the pests have been taken out of a home, homeowners may seek advice on how to keep them from coming back. The professionals at a rat removal company may have several preventative tips that could be helpful.

If rats are present in a residential area, then leaving evidence of food on tables and counters is typically not advisable. Being sure that surfaces are free from crumbs and other signs of food is one way to discourage rats from entering a dwelling. If rodents cannot smell food, they may be less likely to have the desire to enter a dwelling.

If cats reside in a house, another preventative method is to put a litter box near entrances. The odor of feline urine can act as a repellent to rats that might otherwise invade an abode. If one can place a litter box by the outside of an entrance, rats could be further discouraged from invading.

Another strategy is to block or fill up any holes that might lead to the inside of a building. If there are holes in a structure, rats can squeeze through and begin to take up residence. Once they start breeding, infestation is a possibility. The best way to prevent this from happening is to block their access into the home.

Other natural repellents might also be used. The smell of peppermint typically offends rats, and putting peppermint oil near windowsills and doorways might be effective in some cases. Applying the oil around holes that have been blocked may also aid a person in keeping the pests away. A lot of individuals appreciate the way peppermint smells, so it may be quite useful to such people.

Additional natural deterrents may be used to prevent rats from entering a place. The odor of ammonia can repel them, since its scent is similar to the smell of cat urine. Some individuals put cayenne pepper by their doorways, because the smell of the pepper can be offensive to rats. Rats may also be deterred by the smell of vinegar, and spraying it near doors, windows and holes might be another effective way to deter them.

Most people do not even want to think about rats being inside their homes, but dwellings are invaded by the rodents every day. Taking some preventative action is one of the best ways to ensure that rats do not move into a home. The professionals at a rat removal company may offer invaluable recommendations for keeping rats out of the home.

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