Thursday, January 9, 2014

Business Valuation & Benefits Of The Cloud

By Robert Sutter

Data is stored in a number of ways, with some of them being more utilized than others. While the days of physical catalogs seem to be slowly fading away, we find ourselves utilizing the Internet more so for the sake of keeping information as comprehensive as possible. Along the way, the cloud has come along and it appears to house even greater potential. While it is an impressive tool to take into account, is it something that can parlay itself into business valuation down the road, too?

When speaking in the general sense, the cloud is what can be described as the Internet. It's a strong system that, believe it or not, found its way into other types of media, whether you would have recognized it or not. Keep in mind the presence of iCloud, which is something that lets Apple users download their content on their devices from anywhere. It has proven itself in the past for those who own such products and it gives me hope that even more advanced systems can come about in the future.

That being said, you may be curious as to how this can be put to use for the sake of business valuation. When looking at authorities along the lines of Gettry Marcus, you can see that health care is one of the focuses and that there will be records which should be kept secure. Who is to say that the cloud could not be put to use to store such information? For those who specialize in this field, I cannot imagine that this kind of addition couldn't be useful.

Computers, in my opinion, are reliable for many reasons but they do have a number of limitations to consider. For example, your hard drive, while sizable, may not be enough to store every last bit of data that is required. What about the failure rates with computers in general if you pick up a model that is not up to par? The cloud does not seem to have these kinds of problems, seeing as how nothing about it is physical and therefore cannot be damaged in the same way that a laptop could be.

In my opinion, business valuation would benefit tremendously from the cloud if it was put to use. There is so much data that can be put to use and, in my eyes, it is practically limitless in comparison to the modern technology that we have with us on a day-to-day basis. The cloud does not have the same sorts of problems that we typically have to deal with. The cloud might still be growing but it's this level of growth that seems to encapsulate the greatest amount of potential.

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