Monday, January 6, 2014

Avoiding Road Rage

By Jim Thorpe

With smartphones and other devices we have at our disposal, it's natural that we have become distracted drivers. Some people are more interested in what's going on with their smartphone than anything that's happening inside the car. The problem becomes significantly worse with individuals that use their smartphone as a navigational tool.

You will come up with ways to approach the situation as you accumulate more years on the road. During your first few years of driving, you will have issues approaching the problem in every sense of the word. We all like to think that we will handle the issue as calmly as possible. On the contrary, we never know how the situation will transpire until we're in the middle of it. When that time comes, it's too late if you want to pull back and work towards a different outcome.

Drivers often don't realize how much of a difference their driving style makes in regards to fuel consumption. Encourage your fleet drivers to monitor traffic ahead in order to minimize gear changes, while also properly using their cruise control to best use their fuel. It's a good idea to hold courses on driving with a fuel-conscious attitude and possibly even create an incentive program for drivers who complete their assignments with an acceptable amount of fuel. No matter what decisions fleet managers make, it is the drivers who will make the most difference, so make sure they are aware of this and properly motivated to conserve fuel as much as possible.

The process of mellowing yourself out might be a time consuming one, but it's something that you need to undergo if you want to have a shot at making it home safely. Fleet management services provide all sorts of recommendations for how you should proceed in this situation. It's possible for you to find information outside of what's offered through fleet management services; however, it's difficult to undermine the value of what fleet management services provide. You will search far and wide for information that's nowhere near as accurate and helpful as what you can get from fleet management services. Reading this information before you head out on the road is your best bet if you want to avoid road rage.

Knowing When It's Time to Unplug

Use Hybrid Vehicles

Venturing into a New World

Cutting fuel costs while maintaining a fully-functioning fleet of vehicles can be a challenge, but using these tips can help you do both.

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